Hi, I'm Bruno Calou. I build websites. Software Engineer. Frontend developer.

About me

Hello! My name is Bruno Calou, and I love to build beautiful websites. My interest in websites came when I was very young. I had a WordPress blog with a friend, and I used to edit the HTML and CSS, create assets on Photoshop, and post content.

I didn't know how to code at this age; I started programming later in college. When I had my first Python lecture, I thought it was magical. After that, I knew I had to learn more, so I changed my course from Mechanical Engineering to Computer Engineering.

Fast-forward to today, I have worked on plenty of projects. My main focus nowadays is to build incredible user experiences.

Recently, I have been working with these technologies:

  • Next.js
  • React
  • Svelte
  • SvelteKit
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Flutter
Bruno Calou

Other Projects

A few other projects I've worked on.

Song Note
Fantástico 2500
Ases das Pistas
101 Years of Brazil on Olympic Games

Professional Experience

Sr. Software Engineer @ Hotel Engine

Hotel Engine logo
Aug 2023 - Current
  • Optimized site load times, reducing them from several seconds to under one second.
  • Enhanced navigation performance, making it instantaneous.
  • Refined project structure by organizing scattered code into colocated modules.
  • Developed numerous features, including partnership enrollment, campaign management, and user management.
  • Migrated numerous components from Chakra UI to our internal design system library.
  • Next.js
  • React
  • TanStack Query (React Query)
  • TypeScript
  • styled-components
  • Chakra UI
  • Prisma
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library
  • Cypress

Software Engineer @ Loft

Loft logo
Apr 2020 - Mar 2023
  • Designed and developed a system to audit listings photos, resulting in a 50% reduction in audit time and faster listing time-to-site using React, styled-components, Jotai, and Fabric.js.
  • Built seller's dashboard and realtor's dashboard using React, Next.js, and Redux.
  • Created A/B tests that led to significant product insights.
  • Guided architecture design, mentored developers, ensured technical interactions with other teams, and collaborated with product managers to analyze delivery outcomes.
  • Next.js
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • styled-components
  • MUI
  • Chart.js
  • Fabric.js
  • Jotai
  • Redux
  • Nest.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library

Fullstack Engineer @ AMMO Varejo

AMMO Varejo logo
Nov 2018 - Mar 2020
  • Built checkout and login pages using React and MobX, improving user experience.
  • Developed Android POS app with React Native to streamline seller workflow at physical stores.
  • Built internal dashboard tools to customize site catalog pages and manage users' information.
  • React
  • MobX
  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Nest.js
  • React Native

Website Developer @ Globo Esporte

Globo Esporte logo
May - Aug 2018
  • Developed highly interactive sites related to the 2018 World Cup. Used Pug, Webpack, SASS, and vanilla JavaScript.
  • Pug
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Webpack

Software Engineer, Intern @ Stone

Stone logo
Dec 2016 - Mar 2018
  • Developed a vue-like library to create user interfaces for POS machines using vanilla JavaScript.
  • Developed embedded POS features using C++ and Qt 5.
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • C++
  • Qt 5

Get in touch

I'm interested in a full-time remote front-end job. If you have a great opportunity, let's talk!

Designed & Developed by Bruno Calou